
Initial Consultation

A 20 minute phone or video call to meet, discuss your primary reasons for seeking services, and determine if we are a good therapeutic fit.

Virtual Counselling

A remote 50 or 75 minute appointment from the comfort of your own home or preferred space. Sessions are tailored to your unique needs, presenting concerns, or goals. Available to all individuals 14+ including athletes seeking sport and mental performance support.

  • Cost: $135 + GST per 50 minutes or $175 + GST per 75 minutes.

In Person Counselling

A 50 minute appointment tailored to your unique needs, presenting concerns, or goals. Open to all individuals 16+ (including athletes seeking sport and mental performance support) at Geometry Integrated Health in downtown Victoria. Offered by Kendra.

  • Cost: $135 + GST

Virtual Couples Counselling

A 75-minute virtual appointment from the comfort of your own home/space. All couples counselling sessions are tailored to help you address your relational challenges and/or goals in a safe, and neutrally supportive environment. Offered by Kendra.

Cost: $175 + GST

In Person Couples Counselling

A 75-minute appointment to help you address your relational challenges and goals in a safe, and neutrally supportive environment. Location: Geometry Integrated Health, Victoria. Offered by Kendra.

Cost: $175 + GST

Virtual Family Counselling

A 75-minute appointment from the comfort of your own home or preferred space to help you address relational, communication, and interpersonal dynamics with a licensed professional. Offered by Heather starting in May, 2024.

Cost: $175 + GST

Team Mental Performance

Customized support for sport teams and coaching staff, anywhere along the continuum of cultural restoration to performance optimization. Available virtually or in person.

Cost dependent on size, duration, and context of support required. Please contact Kendra directly to discuss.